Board of Directors

Meet the Board of Directors

We’re excited that you’re here. Welcome to the coop! Part of the Board’s job is to engage with our owners so that we can better serve. If you’d like to learn more about the Board’s work and how to be more involved, we encourage you to attend a Board meeting. Owners may make a request to be on the Board agenda by completing board agenda request form and submitting at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting. You may also serve on a Board committee.  (Instructions below)  Board contact information is listed below and may also be found in the Co-options newsletter masthead. We appreciate your continued support of your local community cooperative.

Jessica McMorris

Jessica McMorris

Board President

Beverly Perkins

Beverly Perkins

Board Secretary

Gregory Daniels

Gregory Daniels

Board Member

L'Aangela Lee

L'Aangela Lee

Board Member

Nadia Giordani

Nadia Giordani

Board Treasurer


Board Meetings are held every 4th Tuesday at 6:30pm via ZOOM video conference call until further notice. Member/Owners can gain access to this meeting through the ZOOM conference link sent out monthly prior to the Board meeting along with the agenda. Owners are invited to speak to the board at the 6:30PM during the Owner Comment Period of each monthly meeting. “


  • 6:30-8:15p Board Business & GM Monitoring Reports
  • 6:55-7:05p Member-owner Comment Period


Owners may view Board agendas and meeting minutes by visiting the customer service desk to request a viewing of the Board Meeting agenda and minutes book. Minutes and agendas may also be viewed online.



If you are interested in serving on one of the many Board committees you can get an application form at Customer Services in the store. Return it addressed to the Board of Directors and the Board Administrator will see to it that we receive it. Please also include a copy of your current resume or biography. The committee chair will phone you for an interview and provide you an overview of the work of the committee of interest and dates for upcoming committee activities.