2025 Required Notice to Member-Owners for Vote

Required Notice to Member-Owners for Vote

Greetings Member-Owners~ 

The Board has been hard at work this past year addressing systems and processes that will enable Sevananda to move forward to our next level of growth and success, and we are excited to share it with you! 

A significant task we accomplished is identifying and rectifying issues with the present Bylaws that were not aligned with the laws of the state in which we are incorporated as a cooperative. In completing that work, we also identified an issue with sales of Class A shares that needed to be cleaned up.  

We worked with an attorney who specializes in cooperative law and were able to address all the discrepancies that legally compromise the organization.  

The next step is to present these revisions to the Member-Owners for review and call a vote at the Annual Member Meeting. There are three items for the Member-Owners to review to be prepared for the meeting. 

  1. Revision of the full Bylaws 
  1. A proposed revision to Article V of the Articles of Incorporation 
  1. Revision to Bylaw 7.01 to clean up language around sales of Class A shares 

Below is all the information you need to prepare to vote at the Annual Member Meeting.


Member-Owner Vote #1

Title: Vote to Adopt the Board of Directors Approved Revisions to the 2014 Bylaws 

Attachments For Review: 

Public Notice

Final Draft of Revised Bylaws 

Prior Version of Bylaws 

Relined Bylaws Identifying Changes


Member-Owner Vote #2

Title: Vote to Amend the Articles of Incorporation, Article V. 


Attachments For Review: 

Public Notice

Final Draft of Revised Articles of Incorporation

Prior Version of Articles of Incorporation

Relined Articles of Incorporation Identifying Changes

Member-Owner Vote #3

Title: Vote to Adopt the Board of Directors Proposed Revisions to Bylaw 7.01 Related to Stock 


Attachments For Review: 

Public Notice

Final Draft of Revision to Bylaw 7.01 

Prior Version of Bylaws 

Relined Bylaws Identifying Changes


Member-Owner Vote #4

Title: Vote related to in-person attendance and by-law amendments


Attachments For Review: 

Public Notice

Final Draft of Revised Bylaws

Prior Version of Bylaws